Saturday, October 18, 2008

Are you missing some socks?

Has anyone seen the movie, "Mousetrap"? This weekend we've been living it. Friday the smell of death was so strong in our kitchen we knew we were going to have to take the kitchen apart until we found the Rat. It started out in a very careful, organized manner but quickly escalated to a frenzied hunt as we found rat poop behind cupboards and found stockpiles of our stuff. We found 11 of our socks, and 2 dish towels and a pair of boxer shorts from the previous tenants, behind the cupboard next to the sink, but still no rat. This morning we continued ripping out cupboards (which may never go back the same way again!) and finally found the dead rat and its main lair. A few more of our socks and alot more of the previous tenants' clothes were in there, along with a toy car, a marker, a colored pencil, a note I'd left for myself with a telephone number I'd been looking for, candy wrappers galore and more rat poop than the average farmer sees in a life time--oh, and a dead rat. I didn't include a picture of the beast so as not to scare any younger blog-viewers, but it was bigger than the Bradford's Rodney by a long shot. Two big garbage bags and one big bottle of bleach later, I'm still not seeing an end to the vermin's disgusting lifestyle. Atleast the smell is almost gone! Our own path of destruction and mayhem has clogged the kitchen with drawers and cupboards and every cleaning supply imaginable. I think we'll eat out tonight.


Miss ~E said...

OH MY! What an adventure you are having!!! LOVE the pic of garrett!LOL

Fletch said...


Remember Brian Regan's "shoot the moon" sketch (or whatever it was called) about beating the other man's story?



(ps...I'm SOOOOO sorry!)

MegT said...

It was "I walked on the moon." And you definitely win. That is totally disgusting, and if I were you, I'd be eating out for a week!

Carmell said...

YUCK! Hope he doesn't have any family or friends left hiding out! Good luck putting your kitchen back together! What interesting memories you guys are making!

shay said...

I cannot believe that! So gross! I probably would've moved! I can't stand mice I can only imagine what I would've felt like seeing a RAT! You're all troopers!

literaqueen said...

EWWWWW!! I'm cringing just thinking about it. Time for a cat in the Wood household, I think . . .

You seriously need to e-mail Tracy Purdy about her dead rat story in Iowa City. It's similar to yours, although her rat didn't stockpile clothing and she had to deal with the whole situation by herself in the middle of the night.

Steve, Kristine, Cole, Kade said...

I am glad we rescued you from your mouse trap and we were able to go out on a date together. It is always fun.. I am sorry that you had to go through this drama :-(

Rebbekah said...

Jen told me all about this adventure. So sorry for you!

Kerri said...

Hey at least you didn't find a family of Rats...can you imagine? So glad you finally got him though...arn't you so glad you are renting that place!!!

Andrea said...

ick, ick, ick! I think I need to bleach my computer after just reading this! I am glad the smell is gone at least. Yuck.

Allie said...


I ran into your blog while commenting on Emily's. i teared up seeing your twins! I guess I am missing Iowa today!

Besides the rat, it sounds like you are having the time of your life (yes, I went back and read some posts).

Have fun and tell your family hello!

thecherries said...

Goodnight nurse...I'm LAUGHING. Seriously though, that sucks! HAHA
*waves to Dr. Garrett* Nice mask!

kendra said...

yuck yuck yuck!! I think I would have just sold the house and moved! Next time I'm missing a sock I am going to freak out a little that we might have a rat among us. Sick! I can't even stand ants in the kitchen. I hope by now the smell is gone and your cupboards are all put together again. What a crazy life! At least you know you weren't crazy that you couldn't find the phone number - I wish I had a good excuse for misplacing things - oh wait if it means a rat, never mind