Monday, June 9, 2008

Garrett graduated from Dental school on June 6th. Here are a few graduation pictures. The top one is with some of his good dental school buddies, Matt Bryner,Ray "Sting-ray"Cherry, himself, Thor Thorson the 5th, and Spencer Smith. We were so proud of him. We took the pix in the scrubs on his last day of clinic. I don't think he'll miss his cubicle that much! THe bottom picture is with our good friends and neighbors, the Bradfords. We will miss them and our other good Iowa friends so much. Our experience in Iowa was wonderful and I can say that this was 98% because of the wonderful friends we made. We love you guys!


literaqueen said...

I want to hang out in your backyard again! Or on the porch. Man, I miss you guys!

shay said...

Happy grad too! We love you guys! Miss you everyday!

Andrea G. said...

Hey, what about us??? We're pretty cool when we came to visit weren't we? It's hard to leave the friends you go through school with though... Paul and I still really miss a lot of our Lexington friends (and we only moved 1 1/2 hours away).

Adam said...

Heather - you'll probably never read this comment now - but can I just say that this picture is a really lousy one of our families - which reflects what that day was - a really lousy day. No one was happy - and with good readon. We really miss you guys a lot. I'm embarrassed to say I moped around (and yes - I cried) for about three days. It really stunk having you leave!